“Silence, woman!” The tone suddenly changed.
“You don’t know what happiness is!
I am rich, you will have diamonds and gold…
This Freedom…. he surely is just a simple peasant?!”

At this moment, high up in the village, someone from the Eagles saw
through the morning haze what was happening down on the meadow.
Soon a crowd of terrified and helpless Eagles gathered, watching
Hope’s desperate, fruitless attempts to escape.

Frightened, the girl dropped the garland on the grass.
“You are mistaken! Diamonds don’t bring happiness –
they only cause sorrow,” she said in a trembling voice.

“I am a powerful man. I can have all the happiness I want!”

“You may have power over the Black Caves, but not over me!” she said.

“Come!” – Móhrdai insisted again, while
cornering Hope against some rocks. He had no intention of arguing further.

Then Grey whispered in his ear.
“Master, you are wasting your breath.
This girl is special. She cannot see any of us.”

“Rubbish! What do you mean?
And whom can she not see?” roared Móhrdai enraged
and stared at Hope with eyes full of desire…

The Crow then said, “Master, this girl should be blind…
Once she was a threat to you and Gamóhra cast a curse on her.”

Móhrdai whispered, “Yes, now I remember…the legend…it was many years ago!
But she can still see…Why?”

“Master, I am afraid…
I don’t dare telling you…” Grey mumbled,
trying to hide behind a tree.

“Speak or die!” hissed Móhrdai with an ominous glint in his eyes.

“All right then…I was there when the old Wiseman from the lake
changed Gamóhra’s curse.
The girl is blind only to Bad, Greed and Evil,” whispered
the crow with trembling voice.

“Bad, Greed and Evil? Ha, ha, ha, is this a joke?
Couldn’t the old man do better? Amusing…
I am doing quite well then, ha, ha…she will never see ME, alright!”
Móhrdai roared seemingly amused,
but his blustery facade masked his nagging worry –
The Legend Of The Mountain was haunting him
once again after so many years…