The group followed the dog’s howling and suddenly everyone saw
the girl in the meadow, peacefully picking flowers for her garland.

Overpowering greed and deep carnal lust welled up inside Móhrdai.
Oh, this girl could be an addition to his collection of spoils!

The Reptilian appeared like a tornado and
pulled his black stallion to a halt in front of the girl.
On his shoulder – the crow, his hand signalling to the others to hide.
The whinnying horse pawed the dewy meadow…

“Oh!” Hope blenched. “Who is there?
And why did you stop here?”

“I am your friend, be not alarmed,”
he answered slowly, in a low calm voice.

“My friend? But why can I not see you? Show yourself…
I see only your frightened horse,” said Hope.

“I am Móhrdai. Master of the Black Caves beyond these hills.
And here I am – look closely!” he said, while thinking:
“Can humans really be so beautiful?
Never have I gazed upon such a fair sight.”
For the first time in his life, his human half came to the fore.

Oddly, he felt something as yet unknown and bizarre.
A strange and inexplicable feeling, which confused him for a second.
He’d never been uncomfortable in front of a human being before!

“Oh…… yes…… I know who you are… “
Hope was so frightened, she was almost whispering…
“…but I still cannot see you! Please, you should leave this valley!
Let us live free….You cause so much pain and sorrow…”

“How can you not see me? What do you mean?
I am the powerful Móhrdai,” he hissed impatiently.
“I have many riches in my cave-castle,
I possess everything you see…Be not afraid, I mean you no harm.
Hear my proposition:
Come with me and I will show you how rich I am!
Obey me and you will live in happiness
for the rest of your days!”

“Do you expect me to believe you?
You, who have robbed and burned
thousands of people’s homes,
killed mothers and stolen their children?
I would never do that! Besides,
I am engaged to be married,” said Hope firmly.

“You will come with me!
I will make you happy,” growled Móhrdai again.

“No, no, I think not! I love Freedom
and want to share my happiness with him!”
protested Hope while retreating slowly backwards.