DRACONIA – The Rock Opera – By Nikolo Kotzev

Inspired by the story “The Happiest Man”


Young archer from the Hunters


Freedom’s fiancé, a girl
from the Eagles


Healer, Wizard


Móhrdai’s sister, a witch


Reptilian Overlord


A troubadour

The Grey Crow

Móhrdai’s servant


Móhrdai’s mother, a snake

Characters Art by Dimo Milanov

The Wiseman sighed deeply when he reached the porch of his small wooden house. He had made this trip hundreds of times, always without result. Once again he returned sad and disappointed. Why wouldn’t they listen? Why wouldn’t they understand?

Tough and exhausting, the trip to the other side of the lake had become ever more gruelling over the years. And yesterday, once again, The Eagles had refused to listen… “We need no truce with The Hunters and we never will” was the answer he had received so many times. …