Suddenly a cold fog fell over Freedom.
He felt lonely in the golden palace.
There was no road to lead him to the beautiful, forgotten world.
He cried and screamed in sadness and
raised his fists to the sky in anger.
Desperately, he buried his hands in the mountain of golden coins.

This awoke their anger, and they threw bright golden sparks.
They burned him like red-hot beams of blaming reproach.
Frightened he saw thousands of staring, raging eyes.
The eyes of the countless poor people he had robbed
now pierced his heart with merciless fury.

From the burning gold he escaped in disgrace
and shame for his deeds was shown on his pale face.
Instantly, he ran into the forest,
looking for the crow – the only creature who could help him now!

“Grey! I remember my darling precious Hope!
Where are you, Grey? It is time to keep your promise!
Time to break the curse! I have collected all the gold in the World!
But I haven’t forgotten Hope and I want her back!”

The crow came slowly forward from the dark.
Móhrdai and Gamóhra waited silently, hidden in the bushes.
At last the long-awaited moment had come!

“Well,” Grey said. “You are right. It is time to bring Hope back. But this I must ask:
Do you remember the three rules? Are you prepared to lose all the gold you have?
This is the price for bringing her to life! Maybe you should think twice?
You have as much gold as there are stars in the sky!
You can buy anything you wish!
For you anything is possible. Remember – ANYTHING!
You can live your life in an unending pleasure!
Would you sacrifice everything for one girl?”

“Yes, I would. I don’t care. Please bring her back,” said Freedom.
“The palace and the gold, the diamonds and abundance I don’t need.
You can have them. I just want my Hope back.”

Móhrdai quivered in cruel anticipation
and his trembling lips stretched in an evil smile.
It was time for his sweet revenge…
Freedom and Hope will be dead!
After so many years and twists of fate, he would finally enjoy
the long-awaited reward of the cruel plan.
Now he only hoped Hope will be brought back…
He would strike when she came to Freedom.

The crow flew over the golden treasure.
Then he dove and touched the mountain of coins with his wings.
A terrible thunder shook the palace and the ground around it.
The mountain of gold disappeared in a cloud of smoke.