The golden coin fell from the sky ringing like a chime.
It landed on a big market place
and all the people gathered around it.
“A miracle! A drop of golden rain!
A priceless droplet! No, this is a gift from God!
If an old man puts it in his hat he will get young!
The young will not get older, the traveller will find his road,
If the sick holds the coin, he will get healthy….”
A bloody fist-fight started among all the people there.
Everyone fought, pushed the others, fell on the ground
craving after the priceless coin…
The Crow saw everything and flew flew straight back
to his master’s lair and with a trembling voice
told him and Gamóhra about the death of their mother…
In the dark, the fighting men heard fearsome cries of pain and wrath,
but absorbed by the roar of the battle, they soon faded away.
Soon Freedom and his brave mеn felt the end was near.
Their strength was fading fast and the enemy was closing in
with terrifying, ferocious force.
The battle was going to be over very soon…
In Móhrdai’s den, the siblings and the crow were mourning.
Móhrdai and Gamóhra wanted revenge for the death of Reptilah.
Their screams echoed in the valley and
not even the guards dared to come close to their cave.
All the Reptilians wanted now, was to find Hope and kill her.
Móhrdai was ready to send out the Aghárians to hunt her down
when it suddenly struck them:
How could she be found now if his mother had turned her into a golden coin?
They could hunt her for years and years without success.
There had to be a better way and he needed to find it…
And then, a cruel plan was born. Why not send Freedom himself
to find Hope and bring her to her own death?
This would make the revenge even sweeter…
Both hated humans would suffer for a very long time
and even if Freedom finds Hope, they’d both
die, just when they think the misery is over!
The trio added a gruesome twist to the original plan!
Móhrdai immediately sent the crow to pull out some of the Aghárians,
with the message: “Pretend you are weaker and let the humans escape!”
Suddenly, an enemy horn sounded in the distance and some of the guards
started pulling out of the battle without obvious reason.
Puzzled, the humans stood there, unable to understand
what had caused this sudden turn of fate.