Of course, no one knew of their plans,
as their tribes were still enemies.
And so, day after day, they spread love to all people,
dreaming about freedom from Móhrdai’s tyranny.
The Wiseman knew the time had come to try
to unite the Eagles and the Hunters against Móhrdai.
He only waited for one special event – the young couple’s birthday.
They would soon reach maturity – a perfect day for his plan!
Hope had grown up strong and beautiful.
A girl of many talents, some days she went running
with the mountain deer, other days she’d climb
to the highest mountain peaks to meet the eagles.
By nature being curious,
sometimes she did things her brothers didn’t agree with.
Often she would even sneak through the narrow paths
all the way down to the valley and bring back flowers which
only bloomed there.
Her brothers would then get angry
and every time asked her never ever to do that again.
For many years it had been forbidden for The Eagles
to leave the safety of the mountain and go down to the valley.
This law was instituted by the Elder for their own protection,
for if an Eagle was captured by Móhrdai,
the whole tribe would be in danger.
Going to the valley was always done
with extreme and utmost caution
and only in extraordinary circumstances.
One Summer, many years after the fateful night of the eclipse,
both tribes were getting ready for a big celebration.
In a few days, Hope and Freedom were coming of age.
Everybody was engaged in feverish preparations for the festivities.
Hope had plans to do something
special for this long-awaited day. She wanted to
give Freedom a garland made of rare flowers and herbs.
Despite her brothers’ warning and the Elder’s ban,
on the morning of the celebration,
she sneaked carefully along the steep paths
all the way down to the valley, where she found
a beautiful meadow with flowers she’d not seen before.
The meadow was visible from the peak of her village,
so she had to be careful not to be seen by anyone.
The very same morning, Móhrdai was riding
back to the Caves after plundering another human village.
While galloping through the forest with his Aghárians,
their blood-thirsty dogs picked up a human scent.