Freedom’s treasure had vanished.
But one coin flew up like a star – in the night sky towards the moon.
And Freedom, standing on the ground stared impatiently at the sky,
until he recognized in the star his darling Hope.

Yes, it was Hope – up there in the sky, more beautiful than ever,
gasping for air, as if she just woken up from a deep sleep.

“Hope, my Love, come to me! I am down here!”
Crying, Freedom stretched his hand and called.
“I wandered many roads across the world just to find you!
At last the curse is broken, let us fly together again!”

Hope looked around with a smile.
“Oh, Freedom, at last! Where are you?
Your voice is sweet and warm just as I remember it.
I’ve missed you all these years! At last we are united again.
But why can I not see you? Where are you?
Please, give me a sign, so we may find each other and fly together in the sky!”

“I am down here, look !” called Freedom.
He waved his hands and jumped impatiently in the air …
In vain, he called again and again, shedding bitter tears in desperation,
but his darling still couldn’t see him.

Móhrdai and the other two had prepared to attack,
but now they froze in bewilderment. What was happening?
Suddenly they all understood why Hope could not see Freedom…

Reptilah’s curse was once changed by the Wiseman!
And still, strange were the ways of evil…
Who would ever think, that one day Freedom himself
would be among those Hope can not see?

This was even better than killing them!
Thus their suffering would be even greater than before!
Revenge would taste even better this way!
Móhrdai, Gamóhra and Grey were dancing in ecstatic satisfaction…

The poor beloved tried in vain for a long time, but Hope could never see Freedom…
Time and time again they called for each-other,
not knowing they were cursed…
Exhausted and disappointed, they were slowly running out of strength…
One Autumn day, after a long time…..they gave up.