Still in fear of Móhrdai’s revenge,
Hope ran away and no-one heard of her anymore.
Not even her nearest knew where she went.
Sometimes strangers from far lands would say
they saw her wandering in the shadows of the night.

With all the pain gathered in his heart,
Freedom set on a lonesome roaming around the world.
The guilt of robbing so many people tortured him unbearably and his
conscience would give him no peace.
He wandered for years and every time
he came to a new town, he worked
from early morning till late night.
He gave everything he earned to the poor.
With the few coins he kept for himself,
he would buy a piece of bread and shelter for the night.

His life had no other meaning.
He stopped thinking about himself
and devoted all his time to the people in need.
He passed through the city without children,
the village where he robbed the bride
and the forest where he stole from the mother and her child,
through the hundreds of towns he once plundered without mercy.
Now he was giving back. He didn’t have much,
but he generously gave away everything he had, without regret.
And so lived Freedom, day after day….