Aug 05


The Wiseman sighed deeply, when he reached the porch
of his small wooden house. He had made this trip hundreds of times,
always without result. Once again he returned sad and disappointed.
Why wouldn’t they listen? Why wouldn’t they understand?

Tough and exhausting, the trip to the other side of the lake had become ever more gruelling over the years.
And yesterday, once again, The Eagles had refused to listen…
“We need no truce with The Hunters and we never will”
was the answer he’d received so many times.

Beautiful and strong, the Eagles’ tribe
was admired by everyone, because once a year
they could rise and fly freely like birds in the sky.
Inherited from their ancestors, this ability
often saved them from the hardships of mountain life.

All the mountainfolk knew the Wiseman was trying to put
an end to the ancient enmity between the two tribes.
The conflict was so old, that no-one even remembered why
Eagles and Hunters were enemies.

The Hunters were the best trackers and archers in the land.
Equally proud and fair as the Eagles,
they also liked and respected the Wiseman.
He was kind and warm-hearted, with strong magical powers
and helped everyone in need, so all creatures
of the mountain loved him dearly.

Thus did they all live high up in the mountains,
each on their side of a beautiful blue lake,
but despite the tireless attempts of the Wiseman to
promote truce between them, the Eagles and Hunters
avoided each other and kept to their own sides.

The valley below the mountain was inhabited by a horrifying,
ancient clan of fierce creatures called The Reptilians.
They had come to these lands centuries ago and no-one knew their origin.
Cruel beasts, unable to feel remorse or compassion, they were
gruesome predators constantly looking for prey.

These rapacious beings fed on human blood.
By nature being serpents or lizards, but advanced as a race,
they knew the secrets of shape-shifting. Masters of taking
deceptive human shapes, they were a very dangerous enemy.

The Reptilians called the land Draconia
and tyrannised its people, robbed them
of their newborns, forcefully cross-bred with humans,
following the agenda of creating a new, superior
homo-reptilian race while wiping out the humans.
The Reptilian clan dwelled in the Black caves,
nestled deep into the mountain rocks.
Their servants were creatures called Greys,
usually taking the shapes of birds or mammals.