Aug 05

Work on Draconia resumed

Dear friends,

Eighteen, or so years ago, I started working on Draconia The Rock opera,

Back in 2006 when I started working on it, the record industry was going through tough times and it was readjusting to what we have now – CD’s don’t sell, music is being listened to through streaming platforms for a dime per a whole album.

I could not find a budget or an interested company, so I abandoned Draconia, because I had no means to complete it in the size and shape I had in my head.

Now I realized, that Nostradamus was a special event in the cross-over
genre, because for the past 23 years there’s been no other project like it.
It stood the test of time and has just been released worldwide in three different shapes by Frontiers.

Having this proof in my mind, I have decided to pick up Draconia from the drawer and put all my effort in completing it in one or another form.

It will be tough, but after all, I have to do what I have to do, regardless of the hardship I will have to endure while getting it done.

So, hold your thumbs and wish me luck on this new journey.
I hope it will lead me to another yet great achievement.

Rock On!

Nikolo Kotzev